Moana Le Meur (b.06/06/2000, FR) is a multimedia artist based in Bergen. Through text, performance, sound and textile, she investigates the subject of shelters and their politics.

Moana has a Master’s degree in Fine Arts from KMD, Bergen. She exhibited in Bergen Kunsthall for her graduation, Salhus Industrimuseet, and student galleries in Norway and France.

Recently exhibited works

Dacia Thong Jewellry

Master project, installation and performance at the Master exhibition in Bergen Kunsthall, April 2024. Car door, lithography, matress, thong with 3D printed car keys, radio transmission system.

Dacia Thong Jewellry is investigating the spaces left for teenagers growing up in the countryside. Through narration, made of an intricated weaving of invention, real stories and archive, the project explores free party, car culture and police repression in western France.

Zero danger, Dacia thong jewellry and central locking if I clench my ass the right way[…]

You cut the radio.
We stay in silence for a bit. That was another close one.
Feels like thunder crashing on the house next door.
It’s fine, c’est l’adversité
Through the phone, all I can hear now, is echoes of the Thong jewellery clinking and the sound wall.
You look at me from the middle of the crowd like it’s your mother’s house.

Can you hear me?
I’m looking for Sara, S.A.R.A. SIERRA, ALPHA, ROMEO, ALPHA

Burrow / Terrier

Performance, Salhus Tekstilindustrimuseet, April 2023, letter printing, linnen, water, wood. The text is printed on the textile piece, alongside an iconography stemming from the project FEU [see below].
The performance was an activation of the textile piece by washing it and cradling it as a baby. It included an aria called “Peaceful Forests”, and a reading of a text on motherhood, family structures, fear and premonitions.

[Peacefull forests
No vain desire to trouble our hearts
If they’re sensible
It is not to the expense of your favours] Les Indes Galantes, Jean-Philippe Rameaux

La Musikken For En Stund

Installation at Galleri Blunk Trondheim,
September 2024,
Hiking tent, fabric printing, sound, performance,
wall drawings, hair, fishing hook
The project is articulated around the aria “Music for a While” by Henry Purcell and a text imagining a relationship between grief, rest, fishing at night and combing each other’s hair.


Installation at Galleri Taxi, October 2023
photo, lithography on textile, found objects.

FEU is a corpus of lithographs on textile, photos and an iconography developed from a text I wrote in 2022. The iconography is inspired from a medieval cave painting from south of France.

“Below the burned forest, Papa, Maman and Fleur are sleeping in the smell of sulphur. The path is making a burned bed. […]

The broom-trees are wringing under a fire summer sun in February. They are twisting and falling into the springs where the birds are drinking from. I cough and mountain air is mixing with ashes of the gorce and the mountain is still on a gosht fire. A fire we cannot see reappearing from embers. […]”

In process

The Anger of the Dogs/ A Common Occurence

This installation plan is composed of an ambient sound piece and nine separate recordings of texts. The recordings are played on small speakers placed in textile pieces, either representing furs of dogs, or displaying visual representations of scenes in the texts. The sound pieces have been recorded and mixed as part of a residency at BEK [Bergen senter for Elektronisk Kunst]

The texts are about the ethics and moral dilemmas of dealing with violence and abuse within our communities. It is oriented towards reparation and reconstruction. Through an exploration of the myth of the beast of the Gevaudan and a poetic representation of places I lived in, the narration explores the nuances of grief, fear, tiredness and longing within anger and violence as a way to cope.

[…] The memories laying flat under our feet
Like flattened remains of last season’s harvest,
Combed tight by the many feet of the rave
I count how many of us disappeared without leaving a trace
Many children, who were children with us at the time,
Disappeared, and we never heard of them again
I invented
Beasts in the woods like
the Gévaudan, the Bigfoot or the Dahu
Not that I didn’t know
that the forests nearby have always been empty
But because their fur and their furry seemed warmer
And closer
Than the actual beasts. Of metal, flesh, liquid and dust.


I wake up in sweat
It is a common occurrence.
In my sleep, dogs are biting my side and I wake up

With the thirst for blood and the fear of the dogs.

Wish I Was A Freight Train Baby

The project is to go on a hitch-hiking trip from France to Bulgaria with my sister Sara and make a film out of it. The travel is planned for summer 2026. I’m interested in hitch-hiking as a medium for its unpredictability, how slow it is, and the constant meeting of very diverse people. I intend to use this medium alongside video and sound to deepen a portrait of Sara, that I have already started in previous projects.

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